As An Off-Ice Official I Understand That...print
NM Off-Ice Official Code of Conduct
As a New Mexico Off-Ice Official I understand that...
Successful hockey games require the participation of many individuals. Players, coaches, team representatives, and the on-ice officiating crew make up the most visible faction of hockey games, however the less visible members of the off-ice officiating team are equally important to an orderly and successful game-night. Each game could not officially take place without individuals willing (and able) to keep score, operate the time clock, oversee penalty situations, and monitor goal lines. Off-ice officials [OiOs] are considered to be an extension of the on-ice officiating crew and therefore, any participating OiO agrees to abide by the following standards and guidelines:
- Zero-Tolerance Nondiscrimination Policy
- The New Mexico Off-Ice Officials (NMOiO) are a voluntary organization and a direct representative of the New Mexico Ice Wolves organization, North American Hockey League (NAHL) and North American 3 Hockey League (NA3HL). It’s the top priority within the NMOiO body to ensure that all of the volunteers are treated with the utmost dignity, respect and the right to nondiscrimination.
- This policy establishes a zero-tolerance approach against any discrimination based on: race, color, religion, gender identity, sexual orientation, national origin or disability. This zero-tolerance policy also protects individuals from retaliation from reporting such discrimination.
- Any NMOiO volunteer, that is believed to have been subjected to any form of the discriminations stated above, should promptly report the allegations to NMOiO leadership which currently includes: Craig Kendall, David Lee, Kristina Lee, John Locke, and Jeremy Spranger.
- We expect all volunteers take this subject very seriously as any reported and validated forms of discrimination will be handled swiftly. Any violation of this zero-tolerance policy will result in the termination of the individual(s) membership to the NMOiO organization.
- OiOs represent the league for which they officiate and not an individual team.
- Once an OiO steps into the arena he/she shall adopt an “I am Switzerland” mindset for the duration of his/her off-ice officiating assignment.
- While performing OiO duties all OiOs will refrain from wearing articles of clothing which represent an affinity for any affiliated team (home, away, or otherwise).
- OiOs will demonstrate respect and neutrality to home and away coaching staff and team members, as well as fans, media personnel, and rink staff.
- Interactions with the on-ice official crew shall be kept to a minimum.
- An OiO shall offer his or her observations regarding any on-ice situation only when requested by an on-ice official.
- It is inappropriate for OiOs to engage in any discussions related to the overall or individual call performance of any on-ice official.
- OiOs will refrain from eating except during intermissions (Obviously, coffee, water, etc. don’t count here)
- Impaired senses and OiO duties do not mix.
- Impairment by any cause can prohibit the OiO from performing his/her duties effectively. Any OiO can be relieved of his/her duties at the sole discretion of the OiO crew lead.
- OiOs shall review the designated responsibilities for his/her scheduled assigned position immediately prior to any officiating. These responsibilities can be found on the OIO website. (NOTE: This is necessary because they are consistently evaluated and updated as required.)
- When the OIO Director is not at a game, the scorekeeper will be considered the OiO crew lead for that game.
Compliance with the Code of Conduct is required for all personnel when performing OIO duties. Breaches of responsibilities and guidelines will be handled on a case-by-case basis.