Every hockey game requires the participation of numerous people. Players, coaches, and officials make up the most visible faction of a hockey game. Slightly less visible, but equally important, members of the officiating team include the off-ice officials. The game could not take place without someone willing to keep score, operate the time clock or monitor penalty situations. Off-ice officials are considered an extension of the on-ice officiating team. In order for the game to run smoothly, a competent and cohesive group of off-ice officials are necessary to assist the on-ice crew.
As part of the game officiating team, it is imperative for the off-ice officials to remain impartial at all times. This can be difficult to do, especially since off-ice officials are often from the local area and would typically be in the stands "pulling" for their home team. However, impartiality must be maintained at all times in order to dispel any notions of favoritism and to create the positive playing environment. If you have difficulty in accomplishing this, you may wish to review your involvement as an off-ice official. We certainly expect the on-ice officials to remain impartial and teams should expect the same standard from off-ice officials.
The role of the off-ice official includes undivided attention to the game in progress. The game clocks must be stopped and started at the appropriate times and special attention should be paid as to whether the clock is functioning properly. Goals, assists and penalties, as reported by the referee, must be recorded accurately and quickly in order to minimize unnecessary delays. Penalty expiration situations must also be handled smoothly and efficiently in order to create a fair playing environment. If there are any questions or uncertainty regarding a situation, the issue must be addressed with the on-ice officials as soon as possible. All of these special tasks require the complete attention of the off-ice officials for the duration of the game. Failure to do so may result in a less than totally positive game environment for all of the game participants. Therefore, an adequate attention span is crucial to each role fulfilled by off-ice officials. You must be able to immerse yourself into a game, and not take your eyes off of it for even a moment. Referees, coaches, players, newscasters, announcers and fans all have to rely on your information, so it must be accurate.
While it helps to be a player or ex-player, it is not essential. However, as a minimum you must have a working knowledge of the rules of hockey. You must be able to notice and distinguish goals from assists to penalties on a moment's notice.
For more information, you may find it beneficial to review the USA Hockey Off-Ice Officiating Manual
The Director of Off-Ice Officials ensures capable Off-Ice Officials are assigned to each game, are in their proper positions at the start of the game, and that each executes their duties correctly. This person will act as liaison between the Off-Ice Officials and area management should any questions or problems need to be addressed.
Arrives At Rink: No less than 90 minutes prior to puck drop
Responsibilities Before the Game
Responsibilities During the Game
Responsibilities After the Game
Arrives At Rink: No less than 90 minutes prior to puck drop
Responsibilities Before the Game
Responsibilities During the Game
Responsibilities After the Game
Arrives At Rink: No less than 90 minutes prior to puck drop
Responsibilities Before the Game
Responsibilities During the Game
Responsibilities After the Game
Arrives At Rink: No less than 60 minutes prior to puck drop
Responsibilities Before the Game
Responsibilities During the Game
Responsibilities After the Game
Arrives At Rink: No less than 60 minutes prior to puck drop
Responsibilities Before the Game
Responsibilities During the Game
Responsibilities After the Game
Arrives At Rink: No less than 60 minutes prior to puck drop
Responsibilities Before the Game
Responsibilities During the Game
Responsibilities After the Game